Ways to Give

There are simple ways to become a member of the Ballington and Maud Booth Legacy Society.

There are a number of possibilities for you to consider as a bequest. These include:

  • A cash remembrance
  • A gift of property- real estate, art collections, a residence, etc.
  • A gift of life insurance
  • A gift of securities
  • A share of the residue of your estate
  • The remainder of a trust established for the lifetime of a family member
  • The principal remaining from retirement plan assets

We will work closely with you and your advisors to ensure that your wishes and intentions are honored.

Please contact Kathy Pettit, Major and Planned Giving Manager, at
Phone: 720-264-3343
  • $30

    provides one week Volunteers of America Meals-On-Wheels for a home-bound senior