Meet the Ministers

  • David K. Schunk

    President and Chief Executive Officer

    VOA Colorado staff member since 2018
    Commissioned Minister (2020)

    Why I pursued commissioning/ordination.
    Becoming a commissioned VOA minister allows me the opportunity to integrate my faith with my career to fulfill a life-long goal of mine to, as Paul states in Ephesians, “lead a life worthy of your calling for you have been called by God.” As a VOA minister, I simply want to walk humbly with my Lord Jesus Christ, pursue mercy and every day be his hands and feet in serving those in need.

    My favorite way to serve as a minister.
    I feel as though God has gifted me in speaking His word and then
    providing an application of that word with individuals, small groups, or even larger gatherings. I love to do that and I’ve done this through church, invocations, Bible studies, and in more informal one-on-one meetings. But what I really love to do is be available to any who wants or needs to talk or share. I desire to be a good listener and then learn, pray, and search the word with whoever is interested or in need.

  • Michael James

    Senior Advancement Advisor

    VOA Colorado staff member since 1980
    Commissioned Minister (1983)

    Why I pursued commissioning/ordination.
    I was surprised to find out Volunteers of America Colorado was a church and had ministered. I was intrigued and found it an interesting coincidence as my father was a minister. Growing up, people would ask me if I ever considered following in my father’s footsteps; I resisted. To find myself working in a place that allowed me to exercise my gifts in relationship building AND become a minister has given me a unique opportunity to merge my spiritual and career paths. I think this is where God wants me!

    My favorite way to serve as a minister.

    Offering a word of encouragement to a colleague, a board member, volunteer or client is my favorite way to serve people. That can be simply listening without judgement, giving advice or praying with someone who is experiencing a tough time in their life. Serving as a minister is rewarding and very humbling.

  • Dale Elliot

    Senior Director of Aging and Nutrition Services

    VOA Colorado staff member since 2008
    Constituent volunteer Minister (2005), Commissioned minister (2008)
    Ordained Minister (2010)

    Why I pursued commissioning/ordination.
    I pursued commissioning and finally ordination with Volunteers of
    America because I knew that God was challenging me to preach and teach about His amazing grace, offer of salvation, and the promise of everlasting life with Him in the kingdom of heaven. VOA gave me the opportunity to fulfill that calling through the Ministry of Service and our mission “to uplift and bring all people to the active service and knowledge of God.”

    My favorite way to serve as a minister.
    VOA has given me the opportunity to express God’s love for all in many ways throughout the past two decades. Originally preaching at the Mission regularly and helping me learn more about God’s word, as well as ministerial theory through educational opportunities at Duke University. My favorite ministerial function (besides sharing God’s message) is performing weddings, for obvious reasons. Admittedly, performing memorial or funeral services seems to be where God has directed my ministry over the past seven years. In this service, I am able to help others find closure in their time of loss helping me remain intimate with God and reminding me of His love for all of us.

  • Dianna L Kunz

    Retired Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

    VOA Colorado staff member 1973 - 2018
    Commissioned Minister (1984)

    Why I pursued commissioning/ordination.
    I was inspired by the Mission statement of the organization that states that the Volunteers of America “is a movement organized to uplift all people and bring them to the immediate knowledge and active service of God.” I came to believe that the social work of the organization was elevated by the underlying premise that Christ had led us to serve the least among us in his name. And, by doing so, a relationship was created capable of transformation of the body and the spirit of both those giving and those receiving the messages and the services. I wanted to be a more integral part of the spiritual mission of Volunteers of America by becoming a minister.

    My favorite way to serve as a minister.
    Volunteers of America in Colorado has one of the last Gospel Missions in the organization. It is a place where our ministry and our social services meet together and worship services are offered to those who have no Church of their own. The body and the soul are both nourished within its walls. One of my favorite Ministerial activities has been conducting worship services at our Mission. I also enjoy officiating for communion, memorial services, weddings and baptisms at the request of those we serve as well as for community members. It has also been an honor to be able to share the Volunteers of America story with others within the faith community and to represent the organization in ministerial circles.

  • Lindi Sinton

    Vice President of Program Operations (Retired)

    VOA Colorado staff member since 1980
    Commissioned Minister (1984)

    Why I pursued commissioning/ordination.

    Service to others is a primary tenet of social work as it is in the ministry of Volunteers of America. My faith in God, continually reinforced, led me to the ministry and has helped me see and serve others in body, mind and spirit. I relate to the scripture 1 Peter 4:10 — “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”

    My favorite way to serve as a minister.
    Recognizing and honoring someone’s passing and helping our program participants and staff put some closure to a loss is deeply gratifying. I am thankful that God has allowed me to serve in this way, having conducted many memorial services in VOA facilities over the years. I also love being part of bringing couples together in marriage, and have been honored to officiate at more than a dozen wedding ceremonies as a minister.

  • Bradley Craddock

    Director of Volunteer Services

    VOA Colorado staff member since 2010
    Commissioned Minister (2015)

    Why I pursued commissioning/ordination.

    For me, the pursuit of becoming a minister was really a personal journey. I was wanting to dig deeper into my faith. The process of commissioning not only furthered my own journey of faith but also allowed me to further my work at VOA. Now, I can not only serve people with my regular duties but also serve others in a faith-based way.

    My favorite way to serve as a minister.
    I love being at the Mission whether as a minister, in my normal role or just to visit (or sometime all three). I love see the hope that is there. It is the place where we see some of our clients at their lowest but, it is also where I most easily see God’s hands at work. I love hearing clients’ stories and ideas. I love talking with clients and being on the same level. They have so much to share and teach. My other favorite way to serve as a minister — and where I see my God given talents being used — is behind the scenes. I enjoy setting up events and projects where others
    can experience all the good work that is being done at VOA.

  • Angel Hurtado

    Vice President of Family, Veterans and Homelessness Services

    VOA Colorado staff member since 2008
    Commissioned Minister 

    Why I pursued commissioning/ordination.
    In 2008 I felt a calling to be of a greater service to those around me due to the needs I was seeing in the community. This calling led me to Volunteers of America but instead of me serving those in need it was my soul that was in need. Now I am humbled every day that I get the pleasure to work at Volunteers of America. The people we serve and those who serve alongside me have uplifted my spirit and reinvigorated my faith in God. Through my work, at VOA I felt emboldened to embrace my Christian roots and become a Minister. "With God, all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26).

    My favorite way to serve as a minister.
    I love to serve as a minister without being "labeled" as one. My humor might not be ready for late-night stand-up, but my compassion is real and they do not see me coming.

  • Bret A. Bridgewater

    Vice President of Building Services and Safety

    VOA Colorado staff member since 2013
    Commissioned Minister (2018)

    Why I pursued commissioning/ordination.

    My journey to become a Commissioned Minister for Volunteers of
    America, Colorado Branch probably is not like most of my peers.
    Growing up in a small town in Montana, our family did not attend church and there were never any prayers at the dinner table or even around the holidays. My first real experience with the Lord was when I joined the military and even then, we only asked God for protection from harm. It wasn’t until I came to VOA Colorado and saw the power of God that motivates others to help those in dire need that I realized I wanted something more, even if that realization took 4 years.

    My favorite way to serve as a minister.
    My favorite way to serve as a minister is just to talk with people. I really like to socialize and find out what makes people tick. Sure I have a job to do that houses people and gives them a safe place to live and work. It’s the daily interactions, not only with staff, but with clients that keeps me making the long drive every morning. As with everyone, God has a plan for us, and it just took 47 years for him to show me mine.

  • Sylvie DeZutter

    Director of Accounting Operations

    VOA Colorado staff member since 2006
    Ordained Minister (2012)

    Why I pursued commissioning/ordination.

    Becoming a minister is quite simply who I am — not perfect but Called
    by God to be present to comfort a heart, soothe a spirit or lift a soul. There is no mold that defines exactly what a minister should look like or what they will need to do. Everyone wears their ministry differently. Everyone has different gifts to offer. I will do what I can, when I can, where I can. I have a deep desire to welcome all people, especially those who have felt unwelcome, back into the loving embrace of God. If Ministry allows that to happen for even one person, my mission on earth will be complete.

    My favorite way to serve as a minister.
    I have had the privilege to minister and bring music to a variety of
    services within our VOA programs. I am blessed beyond measure to have sung for a wide variety of celebrations including memorial services in our Housing Properties and Shelters, brick dedications in our courtyard at the Administration Office, and Sunday Services at the Mission. Sung prayer is my passion and lifting voice for Gods glory fills my heart.

  • Cynthia Miro

    Director – Shelter and Services Denver Area

    VOA Colorado staff member since 2012
    Commissioned Minister (2019)

    Why I pursued commissioning/ordination.

    My journey of becoming a VOA minister was inspired by my desire to gain more knowledge so to better serve our participants. However, I did not realize that this path towards ministry would also affect me on a subjective level. Through this journey, I have found myself to be more intentional and deliberate in my day to day life as well as with my interactions with people.

    My favorite way to serve as a minister.
    My favorite way to serve is by engaging with our participants through our programming. My favorite aspect to serving as a minister is when I amable to remind all those we serve that they are valued and loved.

  • Virdell Miller

    Associate Division Director Aging and Nutrition Services

    VOA Colorado staff member since 1977
    Commissioned Minister 1984

    Why I pursued commissioning/ordination.

    During my early years of employment with Volunteers of America, I was invited to attend the national meeting held in Denver. I was impressed by the sessions I attended, the presenters and my local colleagues and their involvement as employees and ministers. I realized that I could put my spiritual faith in action everyday in the ministry by serving others. VOA ministry provides me this opportunity for which I am grateful.

    My favorite way to serve as a minister.

    Being a commissioned minister provides me the opportunity to share God’s love to others who may need a listening ear, a word of encouragement from God’s word, or a prayer during challenging times in their lives. These are my favorite ways to serve as a minister.

  • June 28, 2021

    Regina Perry

    VISTA, Veteran Services Center Coordinator

    VOA Colorado staff member since 2019
    Commissioned Minister 2021

    Why I pursued commissioning/ordination.

    Why I pursued to be commissioned was to be able to work with the community on a more spiritual level. I also took to the commission to learn more about the bible, have mentors to ask questions, and the support that the minister has offered to me.

    My favorite way to serve as a minister.

    My favorite way to serve as a minister is to get out into the shelters to offer prayer, working with the youth to support their mental health, and offering food to the homeless.