Sunset Park Senior Center


1865 Larimer Street, Denver, CO 80202

Volunteer Coordinator

Jan Otteman


Make the Sunset Park Senior Center a fun place for residents and guests by volunteering during the center's activities.

Sunset Park is open for volunteer opportunities!

Bingo! Sunset Park Senior Center needs corporate/groups volunteers to host and sponsor Bingo games for the residents. We’d like to play once a week, any day except Tuesdays. Time can be morning, 9:30-11:30 or afternoons from 1:00-3:00pm. Volunteers are needed to provide refreshments, call Bingo numbers, provide/distribute prizes, or enjoy visiting and playing Bingo with the wonderful people. It’s lots of fun and brings joy to these seniors, vets, and disabled residents.

Dance Party! Sunset Park Senior Center hosts a Dance Party every Thursday from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Seniors need dance partners! Volunteer can help set up for the event, provide/serve refreshments, and clean up after the fun.